Motherwort, known as the mother's herb, is used in magick to draw energies of strength, longevity, and protection. Known for helping mothers through the birthing process, Motherwort is a companion to those wanting to place more trust in the inner self.
Use Motherwort in herbal spell creations to bring forth a sense of inner trust, use in a mojo bag during pregnancy for protection, or use in candle magick for any major life event to encourage strength.
USES: Herbal preparations, burn in a loose incense blend, add to floor washes, ritual baths, use to dress spell candles, stuff poppets, or as a casting herb.
Medicinally, Motherwort is named for the comfort it provides to the female and is used to help calm the nerves, to rid oneself of melancholy, to promote a cheerful heart and mind, and to give one an inner sense of well-being. Motherwort is used to promote menstruation and to regulate the woman's cycle. Motherwort is also used to aid with the heart, decreasing spasms and heart palpitations.
CHOOSE: Motherwort, featured in a bag or jar, labeled with the name of the herb and uses.
~ Bags measure 3 inch by 3 inch.
~ Jars measure 3 ounces.
*Photo props not included.
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